

吾爱西塘 >> 精灵宝可梦之降临地球 >> 第38章 强敌御龙天

第38章 强敌御龙天








Put on your war paint

You are a brick tied to me that's dragging me down

Strike a match and I'll burn you to the ground

We are the jack-o-lanterns in July

Setting fire to the sky

Here, here comes this rising tide

So come on

Put on your war paint

Cross walks and crossed hearts

And hope-to-dies

Silver clouds with grey linings

So we can take the world back

From the heart-attacked

One maniac at a time we will take it back

You know time crawls on when you're

Waiting for the song to start

So dance along to the beat of your heart

Hey young blood

Doesn't it feel

Like our time is running out

I'm gonna change you like a remix

Then I'll raise you like a phoenix

You're wearing our vintage misery

No, I think it looked a little better on me

I'm gonna change you like a remix

Then I'll raise you like a phoenix

Bring home the boys and

Scrap scrap metal the tanks

Get hitched and make a career out of

Robbing banks

Because the world is just a teller and

We are wearing black masks

“You broke our spirit,“ says the note we pass

So we can take the world back

From the heart-attacked

One maniac at a time we will take it back

You know time crawls on when you're

Waiting for the song to start

So dance along to the beat of your heart

Hey young blood

Doesn't it feel

Like our time is running out

I'm gonna change you like a remix

Then I'll raise you like a phoenix

You're wearing our vintage misery

No, I think it looked a little better on me

I'm gonna change you like a remix

Then I'll raise you like a phoenix

Put on your war paint

The war is won

Before it's begun

Release the doves

Surrender love

The war is won

Before it's begun

Release the doves


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